The Interpreter's Guide to Audio and Video
The Interpreter's Guide to Audio and Video, which our CEO, Naomi Bowman co-authored with Josh Goldsmith. For both signed and spoken language interpreters, this guide will help you improve your home set up for remote interpreting.
The Interpreter's Guide to Audio and Video is a digital book in PDF format that you can read on any device.
This is a digital format which is more versatile and more interactive, with clickable links to additional content!
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What's in the Interpreter's Guide to Audio and Video?
Over a hundred pages of tips and tricks to take your audio and video to the next level
Ten chapters to discover how to set up your space, stay safe, pick the best headphones, headsets and microphones, look good on camera, get good sound from clients, and hear colleagues in remote settings
Checklists and tables galore - including:
Checklist: Setting up your space
Good sound and video - the elevator pitch
Your cheat sheet for perfect practice runs
Ten easy tips for great online meetings - downloadable handout to share with clients
Which headphones should I buy? (Table with over 20 recommendations!)
Which microphone should I buy? (Table with over 20 recommendations!)
Which headset should I buy? (Table with nearly 20 recommendations!)
A glossary to help you understand 75+ audio and video terms
The Ultimate Audio and Video Purchasing Guide - with our recommendations for which tools to splurge on - and where to save!
Table of contents
Part 1: Setting the stage
Chapter 1: The basics
Chapter 2: Setting up your space
Part 2: Audio for interpreters
Chapter 3: Staying safe
Chapter 4: Everything you every wanted to know about headphones
Chapter 5: The right audio gear for remote interpreting
Part 3: Video for interpreters
Chapter 6: Looking good on camera
Chapter 7: Great video gear without breaking the bank
Part 4: Putting it all into practice
Chapter 8: Getting good sound and video from clients
Chapter 9: How to hear your colleagues in remote settings
Chapter 10: Next steps